From The Alpha and the Omega - Volume III
by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright © July 20, 2002, all rights reserved
"Volume III - Where is the Biblical Cana of Galilee?"
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Where is the Biblical Cana of Galilee?
CANA (ka'na).
Cana of Galilee is mentioned four times in John 2:1, 11; 4:46; 21:2 and nowhere else. It was in the highlands of Galilee, as one had to go 'down' from there to Capernaum; but opinions differ as to its exact loaction.
It may have been at "Kefr Kenna," about five miles (8 km) NE of Nazareth, or at "Khirbet Kana a little farther north.
Here Jesus performed his first miracle, graciously relieving the embarrassment caused by the shortage of wine at a marriage feast. It was here too (John 4:46) that he announced to the nobleman from Capernaum the healing of his apparently dying son, Nathaniel who came from Cana (John 21:2).
There is a modern village of Cana of Galilee.
Israelis may have found site of Jesus' first miracle
by Laurie Copans Associated Press
December 22, 2004
CANA, Israel -- Among the roots of ancient olive trees, archaeologists have found pieces of large stone jars of the type the Gospel says Jesus used in his first miracle -- turning water into wine at a Jewish wedding in the Galilee village of Cana.
They believe that the site where the shards were found could be the location of biblical Cana. But Bible scholars caution it'll be hard to obtain conclusive proof -- especially since experts disagree on exactly where Cana was.
Christian theologians attach great significance to the miracle at Cana. The act came at a crucial point in the early days of Jesus' public ministry -- when his reputation was growing, he had just selected his disciples and was under pressure to demonstrate his divinity.
The shards were found during a dig in modern-day Cana, between Nazareth and Capernuam. The jar pieces date to the Roman period, when Jesus traveled in Galilee.
"All indications from the archaelogical excavations suggest that the site of the wedding was (modern-day) Cana, the site that we have been investigating," said Israeli archaeologist Yardena Alexander.
However, American archaeologists excavating a rival site several miles to the north have also found pieces of stone jars from Jesus' time, and believe they have found the biblical Cana.
Stephen Pfann, a Bible scholar in Jerusalem, said that while the American dig has generally been accepted by scholars as a true site, the shards found in modern-day Cana raise new questions.
"I think there is ample evidence that both sites are from the first century, and we need more information to correctly identify either site," Pfann said.
This file was created on November 20, 2004.
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