Akhenaton or Akhenaten also Ikhnaton originally Amenhotep IV as King during the 18th Dynasty of Egypt (1,375?/50-1,358?/1334 B.C.) who rejected the old gods and initiated a new form of sun worship of Aton. He abandoned the state religion of Amon and removed it from all monuments. Akhenaton (he who is beneficial to Aton) a name chosen by himself Amenhotep IV believed that Re was the god of the whole world and the only god, beginnings of monotheism. He demanded that all subjects worship only the sun god under the name Aton. Of course this did not go over very well with a society that was use to a pantheon of gods.
Tell el-Amarna the site of Akhetaton, his capital, where many of the tablets found refer to invaders called the Habiru. Some feel this was the Hebrews, others say it is a non-Semitic people.
2"Twenty-one being a number sacred to the Sun since the time of the Pharaoh Akhenaton who introduced into Egypt about the year 1,415 B.C. the monotheistic cult of the sun's disc. Epicharmus, as an Asclepiad (Asclepius was a Greek god of medicine and son of Apollo), was descended from the Sun."
3Aten was the God of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, originally known as Amenhetep IV. By the 18th Dynasty, circa 1,400 B.C., the power base of the Egyptian state moved from Heliopolis, home of Ra the Sun God, to Thebes, home of the god Amun. Amenhetep IV, declared that all the many Egyptian gods were false; including Amun-Ra. Henceforth the only god to be worshipped was to be Aten. The idea of monotheism, was alien to a people who saw gods in every natural phenomenon about them. The worship of Aten lasted exactly as long as the life of the king, who was a man out of his time.
Aton also Aten was an Egyptian god of the sun, regarded during the reign of Akhenaton as the only god.
The Egyptian "Book of the Dead," ascribes possibly to the date of 3000 B.C.
Hermes Trismegistus the Egyptian god Thoth (of the moon and of wisdom and learning), the legendary author of works on alchemy, astrology, and magic [Medieval Latin Hermes Trismegistus, from Greek Hermes trismegistos : Hermes, Hermes + trismegistos (tris, thrice; see trisoctahedron + megistos, greatest; see ALMAGEST)].
Almagest a comprehensive treatise on astronomy, geography, and mathematics compiled by Ptolemy about A.D. 150. It is also any of several medieval treatises concerned with astronomy or alchemy [Middle English almageste, from Old French, from Arabic al-majisti : al, the + Greek megiste (suntaxis), greatest (composition), feminine of megistos, greatest, superlative of megas, great].
As you will see on the following page a connection between the above with Greek Mythology and recent proposals by modern astrologers, gnosticism, and hermetic sciences. The modern fortunetellers, or horoscope readers who have been using their charting techniques on a Zodiac, which was based on Babylonian references that are no longer valid in physical terms, have recently proposed that a new Zodiac Sign be entered into the sequence with the other twelve to account for the variation from the precession of the equinoxes.
At last notice, this thirteenth Sign would be called "Ophiuchus," the Serpent Bearer.
This makes me wonder whether anyone who has ever had their chart read can sue for false advertisement of results.
Or better yet get a refund on forecast that did not come to pass.
Greek Mythology in regard to the constellations of the Zodiac on the Arabic Ophiuchus and the Greek Aesculapius and the connection to Pharaoh Akhenaton or Amenhetep IV.
Ara is a constellation below Sagittarius and Scorpius referred to as the altar of the centaur Chiron, but was sometimes called the Altar of Dionysus. Dionysus in Greco-Roman Mythology is the god of wine and of an orgiastic religion celebrating the power and fertility of nature. Also called Bacchus [Latin Dionosus, from Greek Dionusos].
Half man and half horse, Chiron was believed to be the wisest creature on Earth. It is he who first brought order to the sky by showing mortals how to draw lines between the stars to form constellations. According to early Greek myths, it was Chiron who first fashioned the constellations and showed mankind how to read the sky. Below Virgo the constellation Centaurus to the Greeks is said to be Chiron, smartest and wisest of his race, wiser even than the gods. He was skilled in the arts, hunting, and medicine and was the tutor of such illustrious humans as Jason, Achilles Heracles, and Asclepius. He placed a picture of himself in the sky to guide the Argonauts on their quest for the Golden Fleece.
Below Leo another myth associated with the constellation Corvus, shows Apollo had an affair with Coronis, the daughter of a king. They had a son, Asclepius, the founder of medical science, who was immortalized in the sky as the constellation Ophiuchus. Apollo became suspicious that Coronis was unfaithful to him and sent his spy, Corvus, then of silver plumage, to observe. Indeed Corvus reported back that Coronis was having an affair with a certain Ischys of Arcadia. In a rage, Apollo slew Coronis with an arrow and consigned Corvus to Hades and turned his feathers black, which they have remained to this day.
Above the constellation Scorpius, we have Ophiuchus who is identified as Asclepius, a legendary physician known as the god of medicine. It is said that Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician and the father of medicine, was his 15th grandson. According to legend, one day Asclepius killed a snake, but to his surprise another snake arrived and revived its companion with herbs. This is how Asclepius learned of the medicinal powers of plants. Snakes have long been associated with the medical arts; the symbol of the medical profession is the caduceus, a staff entwined with serpents. Caduceus was a herald's wand or staff, especially in ancient times. In Greek Mythology a winged staff with two serpents twined around it, carried by Hermes. An insignia modeled on Hermes' staff and used as the symbol of the medical profession [Latin caduceus, alteration of Greek karukeion, from karux, herald].
As his medical skills grew, Asclepius even learned to revive the dead. This knowledge worried Hades (Roman, Pluto), god of the underworld, who feared that his domain would not receive any new souls. Hades persuaded his brother Zeus to kill Asclepius with a thunderbolt and to decree all mortals must one day die. Zeus did strike Asclepius dead, but to his honor his skills as a healer Zeus placed Asclepius in the sky with his serpents.
From the Arabic Ophiuchus we go to the Greek Aesculapius, who was a favorite of the Greek gods, a son of Apollo. Homer described him as a god-man, which suggests Nimrod.
According to Greek mythology, he was a healer: he cured the sick, and was reported to have brought the dead back to life by means of blood taken from the side of the goddess of justice which is the Libra connection in this chapter. He is called the "Physician," "The Desired One," "The Health-Giver," the "Universal Remedy." He finally suffered death from the lightnings of heaven, but was raised from death to glory through the influence of his father, Apollo.
Did the pagan nations lose sight of the original revelation from God?
Christ the coming Savior of the world is revealed, as the Great Physician who cures various diseases, who brings life out of death by blood taken from the side of the goddess of justice.