Order Form For All Three Books For One Price

The Changing of the Guard - Kentucky State Penitentiary 2004 through the 2008 Execution,
The Changing of the Politics - Kentucky State Penitentiary 2009 through May 2012,
The Changing of the Post Orders - Kentucky State Penitentiary May 25, 2012 through December 31, 2016

Step 1: You do not have to enter any information about yourself until you go to PayPal to pay or you have to mail a check, money order or wire a payment.
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   Select one of the following with your order.
    If Flash Drive is ordered it will be mailed to you and includes shipping cost and all files by this author to date of purchase, allow 4-7 business days for delivery.
    Your order will come with a username/password for unlimited download access for all files for the following three books:
The Changing Of The Guard - Kentucky State Penitentiary 2004 through the 2008 Execution,
The Changing of the Politics - Kentucky State Penitentiary 2009 through May 2012,
The Changing of the Post Orders - Kentucky State Penitentiary May 25, 2012 through December 31, 2016
Total Cost $25.00 Online Access/Flash Drive inside United States
Total Cost $33.00 Online Access/Flash Drive outside United States.
Total Cost $15.00 Online Access only, No Flash Drive world wide (This option is for any client who does not want a Flash Drive just online access.)
    Please note that the third book estimate of release is in the middle of 2018 and if you order before that I will email all when it is released.
None of the above.
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Mail payment to:
   Jim A. Cornwell
   220 Stewart Ln.
   Ledbetter, KY 42058
   United States of America

   Cell: 1-270-933-2321

   Best time to call:
8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. C.S.T.
on any day or please leave message or email: mazzaroth@live.com

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Step 2: Then select the Send button below to send in your order,
which will take you to a response page for further information and also a place to select a PayPal button to order by credit.

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© Copyright August 2016, Jim A. Cornwell
This file created August 16, 2016, and updated on August 18, 2016, August 22, 2016, January 2, 2017, and September 30, 2017.